Episode 27: Rectal cancer warrior Pauline shares her journey



Our friend and fellow Physician Assistant Pauline is on the podcast today bravely sharing her story about how she came to be diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer and her journey towards recovery and remission.  You don't want to miss this one if you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with colon  or rectal cancer.  Pauline was young at her diagnosis so much before the regular screening exams start.  She shares with us her symptoms leading up to her diagnosis as well as her experience with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and how that affected her and her family.  She is so open in sharing her story with us all as she is making this her mission in life now to help others know the signs and symptoms so it could be caught much earlier.  Finding cancer  early on can be the difference in harsher treatments and a better prognosis.    Take the time to listen to this one.  Her story is powerful and filled with so many good nuggets of advice that we can all benefit from.   

Book: Cancer as a Turning Point by Lawrence LaShan PhD

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Episode 28: Processing Trauma with Lisa Davis and Sara Nawrocki


Episode 26: Colon cancer prevention tips